Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Literary Analysis of the Sweet Hereafter Essay

In the final section of the novel, The Sweet Hereafter, Banks seems to be using the demolition derby setting as a place for everyone to meet and see just exactly how things have changed in the town of Sam Dent since the tragic bus accident that happened the previous winter. It serves as a place that can be compared and contrasted with how the townspeople act this year versus the previous years. It is also a place where most everyone in the town comes annually. It may be told through Dolores’ perspective but she gives the reader an idea of exactly how different of an experience it is for her this year from last year. She also eludes through her narration how specific people are different this year. The most significant change in a person that I was able to notice was the change in Billy Ansel. Dolores commented on how he was drunk when she saw him at the demolition derby. He was carrying a flask with him and had a woman with him that was, as Dolores commented, â€Å"Not the sort of woman you’d expect to see in Billy Ansel’s company† (233). Dolores described the way Billy used to be by saying that he â€Å"had been a noble man; and now he was ruined† (235). I could tell differences in Billy as well. The first thing that tipped me off about how he was acting was that he was cursing profusely. Before all of this happened he would curse, but at the demolition derby it was like he couldn’t go for an entire sentence without cursing. Russell Banks did a very good job of changing the dialogue that came about in a conversation with Billy Ansel. It really gave me a sense of giving up. It seems to me that Billy has given up. He no longer is trying to be the pillar of strength that he used to be. He doesn’t hide the fact that he is a drunk and he doesn’t seem to care very much about the woman he is with. These are some very big changes in Billy. He is clearly a wounded and beaten man. I think that Dolores summed it up perfectly when she said, â€Å"I looked across to Billy Ansel and realized that what frightened and saddened me most about him was that he no longer loved anybody. All the man had was himself. And you can’t love only yourself†(237). Another reason why I think that Banks put Dolores at the Demolition Derby was to give her a chance to reflect upon all the other lives that were affected by the tragic accident. She goes on for two pages about all the people who  were different now. The Walkers were getting a divorce, the Lamstons were on welfare, the Bilodeaus and Atwaters were in jail for dealing drugs, and the Ottos were isolating themselves from the world. Because Dolores was in this situation with all the townspeople shunning her, it served as the perfect time and place to wrap up exactly what has become of the survivors and the families of the victims. Overall, the county fair and demolition derby was the perfect place to end the novel. It brought everyone together again because it was an annual event that the whole town attended. It served as a comparison to the past years when it would be in town. When you go to an event every year such as this you tend to know what to expect. This year Dolores had no idea and that scared her. The whole time she was there she was making then and now comparisons of the people who she saw. The reflections and comparisons are a perfect way to show exactly how affected by the accident the people of Sam Dent were. It seems to me that this town has given up just as Billy Ansel did. Dolores says, â€Å"All over town there were empty houses and trailers for sale that last winter had been homes with families in them. A town needs its children, just as much and in the same ways as a family does. It comes undone without them, turns a community into a windblown scattering of isolated individuals† (236). This is the way that I see this town as well. It definitely resembles what I would think that a windblown scattering of isolated individuals would look like. Clearly this accident has affected the whole town in a way that might never be repaired. And the last section that takes place at the demolition derby was a place for them all to come together and show each other exactly how different it all was.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Histroy of English Language Essay

History of English language will explain, why learning English as a second language is difficult without proper instruction, even though basic components are same. Throughout its history English has been influenced by the varieties of language. Living languages never remain static. Every language is the product of change and continues to change as long as it is spoken. Only dead languages like Latin or Sanskrit change no longer, since no one speaks them now. The changes, while they do occur are gradual and slow and hence almost imperceptible. Over a span of centuries, however, their cumulative effect is appreciable. Shakespeare English is difficult for modern readers; Chaucer’s is almost is incomprehensible without formal instruction. The History of the English language: The origin During the Roman invasion, the inhabitants of Britain spoke a Celtic language. English belongs, in all its stages, to the Indo European family of languages, formerly called Indo-Germanic, and still earlier Aryan. Indo European is the name given to the set of linguistic forms from which nearly all European languages as well as those of Persia and very large part of India can be shewn to descend. The historians have used the word Indo-European because it merely suggests that the languages it comprises cover most of the Europe and India mark the length of its confines. The predominance and pioneering s of the position of the German Philologist English is one of the most important languages in the world today. More the an 350 million people in Great Britain are native speakers. In addition 150 million non-native speakers of English are there. English however is not spoken by large number of people in the world . Chinese, for instance spoken by more than 880 million people in China alone. Among the western languages English has the advantage in numbers. Spanish in spoken by about 210 million people. Russian is spoken about 200 million people Portuguese is spoken about 105 million people etc . Importance of a language is associated with political role played by the nations using it and their influence in the international affairs. Several reasons may be adduced for current importance and popularity of English. Historically the colonial expansion of the British Empire over which the sun never sets, was responsible for the imposition of the English on aspiring natives. Even after achieving independence many countries like Nigeria, India, Ghana continue to use English as official language for several reasons. The nature of the English language and its tolerance to change has made it very popular. One of the major assets of the English language is the mixed character or its vocabulary. English being the Germanic descent has many words from the Germanic languages viz, German Dutch, Flemish, Danish, Scandinavian, Swedish, Norwegian. It also shares a large number of words with the European languages derived from Latin viz,French Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Hence English seems very familiar to anyone who speaks a Germanic and Roman language. Instead of making new words chiefly by the combination of existing elements, English has shown the marked tendency to go outside its own linguistic resources and borrow from other languages. These words have been so well assimilated into English the no one ever remembers or recognizes that they have been borrowed. Any etymological dictionary will show that English has borrowed from almost every language of the world; Hebrew Arabic Hindi Tamil,Malay,WestAfrica,Chinese,Brazil etc. This is the reason why we call English a cosmopolitan vocabulary which is an asset to any language which seeks to attain international use. Modern linguists therefore accept the dynamic nature of language. One of their axioms is that there are no pure forms of language, for language, for languages keep changing all the time. If English had remained pure over the centuries, we should still be speaking the language of Chaucer. Throughout the history, the English language has accepted with comparative equanimity words from other languages with which it has been in contact. There have been periods in which speakers and writers have indulged in large-scale use of foreign words. In general, most people will agree that the foreign contribution to English has been useful. Some languages avoid as far as possible the use of alien terms; instead they substitute new words made up of native elements. English however, has always accepted foreign words. Many hundreds of words of non-English origin are now part and parcel of the English vocabulary, indistinguishable from the native stock except to those with some knowledge of etymology. Of all the world languages, English has probably the vocabulary which is the most copious, heterogeneous and varied, at the same time this also one of the reason that learning English as second language becomes difficult. All the people, with whom its speakers have come in contact during more than thirteen centuries of its growth, have left permanent marks on the language. Some of the contacts have been deep and lasting like Greek, French and Latin. A study of the history of the English language, therefore, unfolds the panorama of English history-both social and political. With an empire over which sun never sets, the English language has been particularly open to foreign influences. The Romans with whom the ancient Germanic tribes had dealings, the Romanized Britons, the Latin fathers of the church who were once eagerly studied the Danish and Norwegian invaders, the Norman French conquerors, the revival of ancient Latin and Greek classics at Renaissance, the Italian artists and men of letters of the 16th century the colonizing nations of the same century—all these have made their contributions to the English language. Arab mathematicians from Spain have enriched the language: so have American Redskins and Indian sepoys. The Italianate Englishman of Queen Elizabeth’s time of whom Shakespeare made fun and famous writers like Dryden, Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift have left something of value in the English word—hoard. It is no doubt, that such statement might fairly be made about other language and their history; but what stands out so remarkably about English is the abundance, the unparalleled variety and the length of the time during which foreign influences have been effective. Further, no other language has so much copious and heterogeneous material. In historical linguistics the contribution of particular foreign language to another is referred to as borrowing . In common parlance, ‘borrowing’ means getting something form somebody on the understanding that it is to be returned. Luckily, this definition does not apply to words which are borrowed, never to be returned. Linguists wonder whether ‘stealing’ might be a more appropriate term for this phenomenon. As Haugen says† The borrowing takes place without the lender’s consent or even awareness and the borrower is under no obligation to repay the loan. One might as well call it stealing, were it is not the owner is deprived of nothing and feels no urge to recover his goods. The process might be called adoption, for the speaker does adopt element from a second language into its own. Even though English language has adopted variety of languages into it, the basic structure of the English language has not changed. English language’s basic structure is, it has fixed word order. Due to more than two hundred years of English rule, Tamil has borrowed copiously from English. Now these words are not recognized as foreign at all. One hears an uneducated Tamil speaker use words like office school, ticket, gate, bus etc. In fact, practically no one remembers the Tamil equivalent of these words. The problem arises for the second language learners only when they were asked to use the language or reproducing it. Tamil is Dravidian language spoken by more than 65 million people. It is the official language of Tamil nadu state in India and one of the official languages of Srilanka also. Large Tamil-speaking communities also reside in South Africa,Singapore, Malaysia and the other Indian ocean islands. The earliest Tamil inscriptions dates from 200B. C. The literature in the language have a 2,000-year history. There are 247 letters in the Tamil alphabet. The 247 letters in the Tamil alphabet can be divided into 12 vowels 18 consonants, 216 vowel consonants and 1 special letter. The vowel consonants are formed by combining the vowel letters and consonants letters. The vowel-consonants letters also have long and short sounds. The History of English is divided into three ages. Old English, Middle English and Modern English. There are 26 letters and 44 sounds, in that there 6 pure vowels and 18 diphthongs and 20 consonants in English language. Compared to Tamil language English has less number of letters ,but ironically language that has 247 letters(Tamil) has limited in terms of vocabulary, but English language that has 26 letters has million words. According THE HINDU newspaper which published an article duirng 2006, The department of Tamil language in the University of Madras has benn revising, enlarging and updating the Tamil lexicon. During 1924-39, the University of Madras had Published the Tamil Lexicon in seven volumes comprising 124,405 entries. Such a dictionary was pioneering venture in the pre-independence period. Prof. Vaiyapuri Pillai had played a huge role in the complication and publication. There have been persistent demands for updating and expanding the lexicon. The many social, political and technological changes in the six-decade period have direct bearing on the Tamil language. It is in this background that the Department of Tamil language of the Madras University had out forth its plan to revise enlarge and update the lexicon. The present Tamil lexicon, under preparation ,will come out in 10 volumes, comprising atleast 500,000 entries ,will be bilingual in nature and at the same time render the meaning chronologically. On top of the vast difference in the number of letters in their alphabet, the Tamil language also differs in many grammatical items compared to the English language. The earliest period of English was formerly called as ANGLO SAXON. The history of English language is divided into three main periods . They are old English (from earliest writings till 1100) Middle English extends from about 1100A. D- 1450A. D, from 1450A. D till date its Modern English. The English language is spoken or read by the largest number of people in the world, for historical, political and economic reasons. First and foremost feature of English language is its extraordinary receptive and adaptable heterogeneousness-the varied ease and readiness with which it has taken to itself material from almost everywhere in the world and has made the new elements of language its own. Throughout its history English has accepted with equinamity words from other languages with which it has been in contact. Foreign elements with ease and assimilated them all to its character. Though it is copiousness of vocabulary is outstanding. A second outstanding characteristic of English is simplicity of inflexion-the ease with which it indicates the relationship of words in a sentence with only the minimum of change in their shapes or variation of endings. A third quality of English is its relatively fixed-word order. An inflected language like Latin or Russian can afford to be fairly free in the arrangement of its words, since the inflexions show clearly the proper relationship in the sentence and ambiguity is unlikely. Of all world languages, English has probably the vocabulary which is most copious, heterogeneous and varied. All the peoples with whom its speakers have come into contact during more than thirteen centuries of the growth, have left permanent marks on the language. Some of the contacts have been deep and lasting like those of ancient Rome and France. Others have been casual like those of Spain or Czechoslovakia. During the Roman invasion, the inhabitants of Britain spoke a Celtic language. While the Roman soldiers in town used Latin, the Britons in the countryside spoke Celtic. Later this was replaced by English. The history of the English language in Britain begins with the settlement of the Angels, Saxons and Jutes in Brtian. These three tribes came from the plains near Schelswing Holstein in North Germany. They had to encounter varying degrees of hostility from the Celts. For mutual protection the tribes combined into small kingdoms. The most important among these were: Northumbria, Mercia. East Anglia, Wessex, Sussex, Essex and Kent. Under King Alfred Wessex enjoyed the leadership in learning. The English language of today reflects many centuries of developments. The political and social history of England has exerted a considerable impact on the language. The Christianizing of Britain in 597 brought English into contact with Latin civilization and many Latin words were added to the English vocabulary. Then the Scandinavian invasion resulted in considerable two people and their languages. For two centuries after the Norman Conquest English remained the language of the lower classes. When English once more gained importance, it had been considerably changed from what it was in 1066. In a similar way the Hundred Years’ War, the rise of an important middle class, the Renaissance the development of the British empire, the growth of commerce and industry, science and literature have all contributed to make the English language what it is today. In short the English language reflects in its entire development the political, social and cultural history of the English people.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Apush Midterm Review Essay Example for Free

Apush Midterm Review Essay A. All classes will have the Causes and Effects of the Mexican War, which has been discussed in class. B. All classes will have 2 choices for their second essay. 1. One possibility for Essay #2 is Causes and Effects of the French and Indian War. This essay should be structured in 4 paragraphs. The first paragraph includes background info leading up to the conflict and your thesis statement. Paragraphs 2 and 3 discuss the causes and effects and paragraph 4 is your conclusion- what happens next (Revolutionary War). It is a good idea to reiterate your thesis statement as well. 2. Another possibility is the Causes and Effects of the Revolutionary War. This essay should be structured in four paragraphs as well. The first paragraph should include background info (such as French and Indian War, end of Salutary Neglect) and your thesis statement. One paragraph should discuss causes and one effects. Your fourth paragraph is your conclusion – what happens next. 3. Another possibility is the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. Paragraph one should discuss what happened briefly before the A of C and your thesis statement. Paragraph two, the strengths (3 that we discussed: brought the country together for the first time, negotiated the end of the Revolutionary War, and the Land Ordinances) and Paragraph 3 the weaknesses (among many- the lack of power to tax, only one branch etc.). Paragraph 4, your conclusion and what happens next (Constitutional Convention). 4. Another possibility is Causes and Effects of the War of 1812. First paragraph is background info and thesis statement. Paragraph 2 is the Causes (impressment, arming Native Americans in the Old Northwest etc.) and Paragraph 3, the Effects (huge surge of nationalism, National anthem written etc.). Paragraph 4 is your conclusion and what happens next. 5. Another possibility is to discuss the reforms that came out of the Second Great Awakening. This essay can be 4 or 5 paragraphs depending upon how you discuss the reforms. Your first paragraph will discuss background info and thesis statement. The next 2 or 3 paragraphs should discuss the 5 major reforms: abolition of slavery, educational reforms, mental health reform, temperance, and woman’s rights. These paragraphs should include reforms made and the people involved (for instance- Dorothea Dix with mental health). Also discuss whether the reforms actually were realized or just set up change for the future. Last paragraph should be your conclusion and what happens next. 6. The last possibility is to discuss the Marshall Court and the Taney Court. The first paragraph should have background information; such as John Jay was first Chief Justice, and your thesis statement. Paragraphs 2 and 3 should discuss the Marshall Court and the Taney Court: how they ruled (strong central government for Marshall, state’s rights for Taney etc.), examples of court cases (Marbury v. Madison, Dred Scott decision- give a minimum of 3 cases for Marshall and 2 for Taney). Paragraph 4 should be your conclusion and what happens next. Your essays need to give specific factual information and be well structured to get full credit. Stay on topic- show your knowledge of the time period right before the question at hand and what happens as a result of the events discussed. You will not be penalized for spelling errors since this is an in -class writing, but essays should make sense and flow. Apush Midterm Review. (2017, Jan 01).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

NO TOPIC YET Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

NO TOPIC YET - Research Paper Example Unilever is the world’s largest FMCG Company in the world with its competitor being P&G. The company has successful connected itself with the hearts of the people and has made itself the fundamental feature of their lives. It is the world’s leading supplier of consumer goods, providing people with the goods that are good for them as well as for others. There are 2 billion people using Unilever products daily. The company works to create a better vision for its people every day for the rest of the future. It helps people to look good, feel good and get more out of their lives by the help of the brand and services being offered to them that are good for them as well as for other. Unilever inspires people to take small effective actions every day that will definitely add up to a bigger difference being made for the benefit of the world. Within time they have developed several effective ways of doing business and doubled the size of their business with the least environment impact. The corporate vision of Unilever states that they maintain the highest standards of corporate behavior with all the people it works with, all the communities it touches through its products and the environment it imposes an impact on. The principles of Unilever include working with integrity, setting out aspiration, continuous commitment and positive impact. The structure of the company is based on executive directors, non-executive directors, Unilever executive (UEX) and senior operating officers. The executive directors at Unilever are the members of UEX. The CEO and CFO of the company are actually the executive directors from Unilever executives, UEX. In the governance of Unilever non-executive directors are considered to be independent. UEX is responsible for managing the firm’s growth, profit and loss, categories, functions and regions. The responsibility of the senior corporate officers is to make sure that the board members get all the necessary information. The

How did the successive stages of capitalism change the UK's accounting Essay

How did the successive stages of capitalism change the UK's accounting and financial reporting processes - Essay Example Thus, the feudal lord directly appropriated surplus labour (labour on the lord’s demesne, or commodities or cash in lieu thereof) from self-sufficient peasants, so that his ‘calculative mentality’ focused on maximising his ‘consumable surpluses. He had no concept of ‘capital as money or equivalent to be invested in production and recovered with a surplus’ (Bryer, 1999, P. 59). A ‘two-step transition from the feudal to the capitalist mode of production’ began with the emergence, in the sixteenth century, of ‘capitalistic’ or ‘semi-capitalist’ farmers, who employed ‘free’ wage workers in the capitalist manner, but still thought in terms of a consumable surplus in the feudal manner (Bryer, 1999, P. 68). Semi-capitalists also give the impression in international trade, one of the leading company among these was the East India Company. These traders were the first to consider the idea of a rate of r eturn. Bryer interpreted this terms as the ‘feudal rate of return’, and well-defined as ‘consumable surplus’ divided by total capital, which developed as the leading economic term after the bourgeois revolution of the mid-seventeenth century. Throughout the period of industrial capitalism, where return was generated mainly over the production of goods, the progressions of the industrial revolution lead to a large number of new openings, that needed slight fixed capital. Later, there was a complete shift to finance capitalism, which demended more capital, and emphasis had been given to the profit generation, through the the purchase and sale of financial instruments of numerous forms, and from the growing needs of the public services. (Hawke, et al., 1981, P. 678). Edwards dates the transition to finance capitalism as 1830, the year in which the Liverpool and Manchester Railway opened for business, and argues that the most recent ‘leap forward’ in financial accounting, the change in emphasis from record keeping to financial reporting, began to take place in the second half of the nineteenth century, ‘in response to the growth of the modern business enterprise and the separation of ownership from management’ (Edwards, 1989, P 13). The substantial capital expenditures and scattered fund raising of finance capitalism in sequence raised up a number of accounting distresses, which is still prominent today, relating to the need to differentiate between capital and revenue expenditure, calculation of periodic profit, and the valuation of fixed assets. The railways, as the leading industry of the mid and late-nineteenth century economy, have generally been rendered a dominant place in the growth of financial reporting, but the canal industry has been almost unnoticed, in spite of its similar standing to the English economy and its substantial impact on the industrial revolution. This is further unanticipated move, sin ce it can be claimed that the canals, using surpluses from the use of capital in agriculture and trade and employment of capital provided by the industrialists and other investors, represent the real starts of finance capita

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Psychology and Health Problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Psychology and Health Problems - Essay Example This often leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy because the family members would assume that there is nothing they can do about the disease and allow it to happen. On the other hand, the Multifactorial model shows a different way at examining how a disease develops. According to the Multifactorial model, the following factors must be taken into account when analyzing how a disease develops: biological, psychological, environmental, and socio-cultural and stressors. Likewise, the model asserts that no single factor is responsible for the development of a disease according to Hoover. In most diseases, biological factors such as heredity, age and gender can increase the probability of contracting heart diseases. There are certain groups of people prone to heart disease but this doesn’t mean that individuals in this group cannot avert the situation. The model presents other possible elements such as diet, stressors, or even access to health care that can prevent or increase the lik elihood of the disease. The aforementioned elements may belong to any of the other factors which are not biological at all. Using the Multifactorial Model, a person that has a family history of diabetes can prevent developing the disease by making modifications in one’s lifestyle. The person can become health conscious being aware of such fact and resort to exercise and limited dietary intake. Thus, the person does not develop the disease as compared to his parents or grandparents. Biological factors include family history, age, gender, pain and discomfort, congenital disabilities definitely influence the likelihood of a disease but that does not equate to hopelessness since prevention is still possible using other factors. Socio-cultural is another important factor that can worsen or prevent the development of a disease. If a person has quality access to health care, works in a company that promotes health and belongs to an average sized family, then it can said that sociocu ltutal factors can help the person develop diseases. Even religious beliefs related to health such as not smoking and no drinking can be very helpful. Even if heart diseases are common in the family, the person can probably live longer. The Multifactorial model also considers psychological factors such as anxiety, depression, personality traits, self-efficacy, optimism or pessimism, attributional style, behavior, and other intrinsic factors within the individual. Lately, the field of medicine has accepted the fact as proven by various studies that psychological factors like stress definitely worsen biological factors. Even people with no history of heart disease within the family can possibly die from a heart attack if the person is constantly subjected to stress, had a sedentary lifestyle and possess a Type A personality. Even simple conditions such as ulcers and constipation can be caused by stress. Environmental factors such as pollution, natural disasters, radiation, global warm ing, ozone depletion, water quality and many more adversely affect a person’s health. Even healthy individuals with jobs exposed to harsh environmental conditions can develop illnesses such as respiratory disease complications especially if they don’t have good access to healthcare. Primarily, this is the reason why government Agencies set occupational health standards and safety practices so workers would not get sick. In conclusion, the Multifactorial Model is a new health model that shows how illnesses can develop

Friday, July 26, 2019

Impact of Unemployment on USA Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Impact of Unemployment on USA Economy - Essay Example Unemployment is root to cause the birth of other economical flaws. In this recession period, emerging and emerged countries plague with contemporary political, Economical, social and security concerned issues. A high potential unemployment rate affects symptoms of development of economy. Summary of Researched Articles According to an article in the economist (2012), USA hardly confronts unemployment challenges. The American President Barack Obama works day and night on generating jobs for jobless people of America. To some extent President of USA has succeeded in providing jobs to jobless in several sectors such as private organization, Public Sector, and local Government, and other manufacturing and services sectors. On the other side, Public Sector, and Local Government cut thousands of people of jobs. This cutting of Job impacts on budget of America, and ends up rising unnecessary load in expenditure of budget. The policy makers stride gradually to overcome this recession problem. America seems confident about recovering economical recession and move ahead with steady pace. Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, (2012) states that in USA, the problems are not evicted, however, it is growing indeed. The unemployment applications are filling large population and hiring is too slow. This is putting load on unemployment benefit for jobless people. Unfortunately, large numbers of people are laid off from different areas of USA (New York, Washington, Texas, New Jersy, California and Pennsylvania) from several sectors like construction, manufacturing, Entertainment, Transport, Agriculture, Ware house and food service Industry. The dilemma is that for the large number of people laid off instantly, it is hard to provide all facilities from unemployment benefit. As a matter of fact that unemployment is reducing consumer demand, desire and needs. The fact to remember is that slowly and gradually, jobless people leave to demand of daily consumption goods because it has not enough money to pay these commodities. When such situation is occurred sales shows decline and production and manufacturing service industries may be unable to generate profit, enough to run the firm. So they put pressure on employees to increase efficiency and cut costs. If employees could not generate profit, they are laid off without any reason. If same situation is constant, the industries will not be able to sell and survive in a economically disabled state. People cannot invest and individual savings ratio declines. In short, whatever they save is being utilized in daily basic commodities. In the end diseconomy situation begins. Ben Casselman and Josh Mitchill (2012) state that the Sharp decline of unemployment rate of USA direct towards a positive flow in economic trends. But in adverse, Europe countries insulated USA economy, so they may create obstacles in growth of USA. At the end of 2011, USA generated 120000 jobs for people of USA, which indicates decline of unem ployment of 0.4 per cent from 9.0 percent. These jobs generation reduced load of unemployed benefit. When this news spread, market spontaneously surged up and sales of Automobiles increased. The economy of USA is slowly improving but the Europe’s diseconomy impacts to other countries too. USA economy relies on other Countries like India, Japan, Europe and China. When any countries’ investment decreases, USA economy declines due to swap factor. The Europe

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Earth science (geology) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Earth science (geology) - Essay Example an aquifer it is very important that the unit should be fully saturated, has open voids or spaces and could provide sufficient amount of groundwater at fast rates to wells and springs. An aquifer can of three types – unconfined, confined or perched. An unconfined aquifer is one which has no confining layer between the zone of saturation and the land surface. A confined aquifer has a layer in between the land surface and the saturated zone. This confining layer either allows water to pass through it at a very low rate or not at all. Confining layers are generally made up of clay, silts or rocks such as shale. Lastly, a perched aquifer is the saturated zone which is situated in the zone of aeration and lies above the confined layer. The unconfined aquifer has the capability to provide the maximum amount of water, followed by the confined aquifer. A perched aquifer can provide water enough only for a household (â€Å"Groundwater storage in aquifers†, n.d). The potentiality of an aquifer in a region can be determined on the basis of the permeability (capacity to transfer water) and porosity (capacity to hold water) of the geological material. According to research, the most potential usable aquifers are found in regions where the land is comprised of unconsolidated sand and gravel because they allow the maximum permeability of groundwater to be transferred to wells and also have the capacity to hold maximum water (â€Å"Maine Geological Survey†, 2011). Other regions where productive aquifers are found are the aquifers which are formed of sandstone, limestone, dolomite or basalt flows. Sedimentary rocks such as sandstones or carbonates form one of the best aquifers since they have high levels of porosity. Certain fractured or dissolute sedimentary rocks also have the capacity of holding significant amount of water and therefore can act as good aquifers. Limestones are also productive aquifers since they are highly permeable. Aqui fers formed by fractured metamorphic

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

General Motors (GM) Company - Case Analysis Report Essay

General Motors (GM) Company - Case Analysis Report - Essay Example   Please remove any chart or table from the paper.   Also, the following areas were not cover in the paper as I specified on my original instructions: Summarize the key ethical issues in the situation. Apply at least three of the ethical perspectives (teleology, egoism, utilitarianism, deontology, relativist, virtue ethics and Justice).   Just two theories were discussed. Analyze how the company’s corporate culture that may have either helped to minimize the unethical behavior or actually contributed to/caused the unethical behavior. Analyze how the company’s corporate governance (overall guidelines, strategic decisions/actions) may have either helped to minimize the unethical behavior or actually contributed to/caused the unethical behavior. Based on the ethical perspectives (theories of ethical thought presented in the course), what are the key factors that should be addressed or considered in resolving the legal/ethical issues identified in this case (as outlined above). List each ethical issue and then for each issue, the factors to be addressed or considered based on the ethical perspectives used above. Recommended corrective action – recommendations need to be related to the ethical issues and the recommend approaches or policies are the approaches that the company, not the government, need to take. Recommend corrective actions for each of the legal/ethical issues outlined above. Provide supporting rationale for each recommendations or industry examples of the use of your recommendations as â€Å" best practices†. Recommend approaches or policies that the company can take to help prevent these issues in the future. Provide supporting rationale for each recommendations or industry examples of the use of your recommendations as â€Å" best practices†. General Motors is a multinational company with headquarter at U.S engaged in the manufacturing and selling of trucks, cars and spare-parts. In the year 2007 alone, GM

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Dominican Republic Sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Dominican Republic Sports - Essay Example Based on the recognized significance of the study of sports in a nation, a certain view of the nation can be achieved. Such objective is aimed to be achieved in the study to recognize and gain a substantial knowledge on the characteristics of countries in the Caribbean. The Dominican Republic is the main focus of the study, along with the famous sports in the country and the significance of the said activities in the history and the culture of the country as well. The Dominican Republic is one of the island countries found in the Caribbean region. Due to the geographical characteristic of the said country, it is famous for water activities and sports. To be able to determine and recognize the main characteristic of the nation and the people there are different factors that can be considered. Included in these factors are the sports that can be considered as famous in the country (Brown 1999) Sports are recognized as one of the facets that can describe a nation due to the fact that it can be related to the different aspects of the society. These factors that are considered essential are the physical aspects such as the geography, the people and the history of the country. Sports can be considered wrapped up in every stage of the nation's history, is related to the geographic characteristics of the country and even the attitudes and customs of the people (Mccomb 2004). The Dominican Republic is composed of a variety of sports. This can be attributed to the fact that the country is also reach in the different forms of geographical forms ranging form the highlands towards the different form of water bodies. The sports that are famous in this island country can also be related to the locations such as the land and the water sports (Brown 1999). Sports Played in the Dominican Republic Being accepted as one of the main categories in the determination of the characteristics of the nation, the sports being played by the nation can be identified along with arts and culture. The Dominican Republic can be described as one of the nations in the Caribbean that can attract visitors on the basis of the different attractions. One of these attractions is relation to the sports in the country (Ministry of Tourism 2006). The particular Caribbean nation is known due to the variety of sports that can be played in its territory. These types of sports can be categorized on the basis of the location where the particular sports can be played. These sports played in the Dominican Republic can either be water or land sports. A. Water Sports Water sports are played in the Dominican Republic such as windsurfing and jet skiing due to the combined scenery and the fact that the island is wrapped around with water bodies. Sailing and boat tours can also be added to the list of the water sports available in the country. Other sea sports and recreations can also be considered such as scuba diving and deep sea fishing (Ministry of Tourism 2006). 1. Snorkeling and Deep Sea Diving The said sports can be considered as one of the most famous sports in the country being an island. Ecotourism is one of the weapons that can attract tourist in the country. There are many sites that are known for

Breastfeeding is better for your baby Essay Example for Free

Breastfeeding is better for your baby Essay Among the many decision a woman faces when she is pregnant, is whether or not she will breastfeed her child. In our society and in this day and age, this has become a matter of choice as opposed to long ago where formula was nonexistent and the only means of nurturing your baby was to breastfeed. Many women are oblivious to the health risks their baby may endure having not being breastfed. Research and studies show that babies who are breastfed have better health among other things if they are breastfed. To add to that, formula companies tend to obscure the truth and bribe the doctors in to promoting their product. This essay aims to investigate these issues and address the matter at hand by stating why it is a much better choice to breastfeed a baby. As I mentioned above, whether or not a women wants to breastfeed or formula feed is now a matter of choice. Before I move forward, I want to explain about the history of breastfeeding and formula feeding. Before the modern era, breasfeeding was usually the normal procedure for feeding an infant. If a woman had problems breastfeeding her baby, the family would usually hire a wet nurse to nurture the baby in place of the mother. This was considered very normal. As a matter of fact, wet nurses were chosen with the utmost care, because it was vital and essential for a baby to receive the right amount of nutrients. Another alternative to wet nurses was cow’s milk, or in correct terms the process of â€Å"dry nursing† was established. Wet nursing and dry nursing were the common alternatives to breastfeeding during the early 19th century. However, in the turn of events another breast milk substitute had evolved. Formula had been created and was in lieu of breastfeeding. One of the biggest known named companies of today, Nestle was a big contributor to the establishment and creation of formula. Add another century, and formula feeding is not considered the norm in many societies. Because formula is widely accepted as a means of nurturing a baby, production of formula has boomed and many formula manufacturers thrust to advertize their product. Because of this, many doctors have received a cut for promoting formula from these major manufacturers. While the new mother who has just given birth to her baby feels that formula feeding is better since the doctor recommended it, little does she know that the doctor is doing what he was endorsed to do. Could this mean that many doctors are withholding the truth for money? It may very well be and I will further discuss this issue. According to studies done in the US, fewer than half of the babies are exclusively breastfed during their first two days in the hospital. By the time they are six months old, only 19 percent of US babies receive any breast milk† (Coburn, 2000, 1). This is in large part due to the doctor’s orders. Little do these mothers know that the doctors are pushing formula products on these new mothers because they are obliged to do so under a contract. Coburn also states â€Å"To promote artificial feeding, formula manufacturers spend millions of dollars securing exclusive distribution deals for formula samples, at a yearly average of $6,000 to $8,000 per doctor† (p. 2). Many formula companies distribute their products to hospitals to advertize their formula. It is a form of bribery, because if you give the doctors and physicians money they will without a doubt encourage the recommendation of that particular product. Or in some instances, mothers are given a gift basket upon delivery of their new baby. This gift basket has formula in it. In doing this â€Å"research shows this tacit endorsement of the hospitals part is so effective in establishing brand loyalty that 93 percent of mothers who artificially feed continue to use the brand of formula given to them by the hospital† (Coburn, 2000, p. ). There is a lot of brainwashing going on just for a buck. Since these mothers are now formula feeding instead of breastfeeding they begin to see the effect on their income. It is much more costly than breastfeeding. Some mothers even dilute their formula to make it last a little longer before going out and buying some more. This in turn is very nutrition-depleting. I will elaborate further on nutrition, but in the end these formula manufacturers are competing not with their rival companies, but with breastfeeding itself. And because of this, many mothers are caught in the middle of this war not aware that breastfeeding is the best means to nurture her baby. As mentioned above, breastfeeding is the natural way to nurture a baby. It is also better for the baby and there are many studies to prove this. Breastfeeding does help prevent a number of sicknesses a baby may endure. As mentioned by Laura Sterling a pediatrician â€Å"I discuss the impact of breastfeeding on incidence of otisis, media, asthma, obesity and all-cause diarrhea. I also counsel that breast milk may decrease severity of diarrhea because it is much easier on the digestive system than formula† (Sterling, 2003, p. 3). Obesity as Sterling mentions has also been decreased when a child is breastfed rather than formula fed. If a baby is breastfed for at least 3-5 months, obesity in the US will reduce 35 %. Carol Campbell states â€Å"infants who were fed breast milk more than infant formula milk, or who were breast fed for longer periods, had a low risk of being overweight during older childhood and adolescence† (2000, p. 102). If we look at breastfeeding on a global perspective, around the world breastfeeding is encouraged as well. In Bangladesh for example, infant mortality rates are severely high. Penny Van Esterick states that any decrease in breastfeeding would definitely increase infant mortality (2003, p. 57). Also, many countries around the world that use water to create the formula aren’t aware of the toxins the water may contain, thus making the baby very sick. A mother passes on various nutrients to her child when she breastfeeds, something that artificial milk does not do. A random study also concluded that when babies’ breastfeed they are more likely not to experience pain while undergoing minor procedures. We can also look at breastfeeding from an anthropological standpoint. Anthropologist Shannen L. Robson stated â€Å"For most pormate species the period of accelerated growth ends shortly after birth, but for humans it continues for a year postnatally, when infants are nutritionally dependant on breast milk. A pattern of early postnatal brain growth that is unique among mammals must require a unique milk to supply the needs of the developing human infant (2004, p. 19). So as we may see, there are many benefits, an infinite amount of studies concluding that breastfeeding is much better for a baby as opposed to formula feeding. Concluding my essay it is evident I am pro breastfeeding. It is much healthier for your baby as studies are there to prove this. Not only that, it is eye-opening to know that doctors withhold telling their expecting mother patients that breastfeeding is the better choice all for the means of gaining more money. It is also interesting to note, that women who breastfeed are more likely to lose more weight effectively than their formula feeding counterparts. Who doesn’t want to lose weight after giving birth? It is much more advantageous to breastfeed, especially when it is 2 in the morning and your newborn is crying their lungs out because they want to be fed. I think getting up picking up your newborn and breastfeeding them is much better than having to warm and prepare the formula in a zombielike state.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Obama Represents Zeitgeist of 2008 Essay Example for Free

Obama Represents Zeitgeist of 2008 Essay Being born in a black-white family, experiencing hardships throughout the child and teen stages, Barack Obama, as the first African American President of the United States, embodied dreams of thousands of people, both black and white. Obama became a symbol of the new U. S. history and personifies the brand new page, which is uncertain for the world, but rather clear for American citizens. What was the turning point in the minds of Americans to choose African American, as a new president? What kind of precondition made them take a man out of former ‘slaves’ and ‘despised’ people? These answers will be followed up by the closer look at Barack Obama, yet, at this moment, it is clear that Americans have felt the spirit that communicates between black and white, suffering and freedom, revolution and stability – the spirit of 2008. Most agree that Barack Obama has already changed the U. S. and is going to change the world. What is so important in this man and why is he important to the United States? He was hurt at 3-year old age for the first time, when his parents divorced. As a result of a single-parent family, he was raised up without self-esteem in a segregated environment. There was no one behind or next to him to give a hand in daily hardships; therefore, he became drug addict and trouble maker during the high school. At that time, one could hardly tell that out of this unmotivated and self-degraded teen would raise a state senator, followed by the U. S. senator, and the U. S. President consequently. Though, Obama had no goal in life, because there was no one to show it, the spirit of revolt and revolution had been showing him the ways out of hopelessness. Being a member of isolated society, he managed to cope with odds and unequal opportunities. ‘Negroes’ were not allowed to attend the same schools, hospitals, institutions, as the ‘whites’ did. It was the page in history, when Obama was born and raised. But, these very restrictions and limitations had paved the way for Obama’s success, making his nature stronger and character unbroken. â€Å"77230472_Obama Represents Zeitgeist of 2008† â€Å"Page #1† As was mentioned by Nick Bryant, â€Å"to become a history-defying candidate he has been something of a history-denying figure. † (BBC News) And it is true. At present, Barack Obama had to solve the civil-right paradox, so that he could appear on the U. S. Capitol steps and show the whole world that skin does not matter, inner spirit – that’s what matters. This is the point that united Barack with America – there is no chance for hopelessness. No matter what the world is saying – let him turn away from you; no matter what society is saying – you may change it. Chance was not on his side, yet he has national identity. Barack Obama, as well as the United States, is focused on freedom, as the utmost human value. This very spirit gave the American colonies fight against oppression and misunderstanding, making the nation #1 in the world. No doubt, America is facing the hard times – shaking economy, unstable oil prices, mortgage crisis and global confrontation, headed by the EU. Yet, we may argue that the United States have already passed more severe tests and can put up with this one, having the right leader and right course. What is the difference in calling Obama inexperienced or naive, his inspiration reminds people that once the nation had ideals and dreams, had convictions and beliefs. Martin Luther King’s dream for America, which was spoken two years after Obama was born in 1963, is fulfilled now. Some things that seemed impossible are embodied now. Barack Obama, just like the United States, has made a leap over the illicit barrier to make something whole out of broken, to build on sinking ground. The American zeitgeist of revolution has been imbuing Obama, and the election 2008 has reflected the American notion of equal opportunity. The President of the United States is given a chance to make his values real and reveal life battle on a larger scale. The life of Barack Obama personifies confidence and victory now, rather than destruction and uncertainty at first. Hope to see the same results in the U. S. economy and its place on the global arena, as we look at American spirit that outpours in Obama’s beliefs. Work cited: Bryant, Nick. â€Å"How Barack Obama defied history†. BBC News. 5 Nov. 2008. 1 Dec. 2008 http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/americas/us_elections_2008/7710449. stm.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Muslim Women Living In A Westernized Society Theology Religion Essay

Muslim Women Living In A Westernized Society Theology Religion Essay The following research report was requested and granted by Philip Broster, The Business Communication lecturer at the Tertiary School in Business Administration, for 8 October 2012. Permission was granted by Philip Broster to conduct research on the debate regarding the wearing of hijab and the western pressures of this felt by Muslim women who study at TSiBA Education. His specific instructions were to: Compile a research report based on the previous research proposal to research the debate regarding the hijab and the pressures felt by Muslim women at TSiBA. Present a literature review as well as findings in a written document and to conclude by identifying a relationship, if any , between the literature and the findings of the research. The report is to be submitted on the 8 October 2012. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION Subject of the research The Debate Regarding the Hijab, Investigating the Pressures Felt by Muslim women living in a Westernized Country: A TSiBA case-study. Background to the research Literature on this topic is abundant as research has been conducted globally on the topic of the hijab as to the reasons why women should and should not wear the hijab. The research conducted was made possible through the use of surveys, interviews, questionnaires and observations. Katherine Bullock in particular, a Canadian community activist, author and lecturer did extensive research on the topic of the hijab and published her findings in the form of a book called Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil which challenges Historical and Modern Stereotypes.  She has also published articles on Muslim women and the media, and Islam and political theory. Purposes of the research The objectives of the study are to examine if the dominant negative Western perception affects the reasons why the Muslim community is divided on the subject of hijab. This research addresses the concern for a dialogue that could inform westernised societies about the personal reasons why some female Muslim students wear hijab and why others do not. I want my research to be meaningful, relevant to local communities and to open my mind and that of others by being taught through research and personal interviews about the subject. Scope and limitations This study was conducted in a very short period of time with a very small sample group as the pool of participants was limited to the Muslim students at TSiBA Education. The data set is meaningful, but not representative of the vast range of Muslims in different contexts. It will however show a diversity of views within a common theology and faith. A more sizable sample within the target group would have provided a larger and more conclusive amount of data. This can have a bias that favours the educated and the youth of Cape Town. Another limitation of my study was that all of the participants belonged to one ethnic group being from the race regarded in South Africa as Coloured. This was due to the fact TSiBA Education is a relatively small university whose Muslim female population is a fraction of the total students of which there were no Muslim women from a different race or culture. The research conducted could have benefitted from a more diverse pool of applicants. Plan of development This research report was compiled in the following manner. Firstly I provide my literature review which I put together for the purpose of exploring what has previously been written on the topic so that you and I may learn from it and be aware of it as we go about this research. Secondly I made a survey form of 3 pages long that contained relevant questions which I derived from the process of compiling the literature review. Thirdly, At random I selected 10 Muslim women studying at TSiBA to be my participants and followed through by conducting my survey about each one of them. Lastly, I analyzed the data obtained from the surveys and make this information available to you while also comparing my research findings to the findings derived from my literature review. METHODOLOGY Literature review The first piece of work I did was conducting research on the topic of the hijab in order to compile a literature review. My literature review took a significant amount of time in relation to how long the actual research demanded. Information was abundant regarding the topic of hijab, modernization, the dominant Western perception and the medias role in the portrayal of Muslim women that I found it particularly challenging to sift out important points from the all information available. My literature review saw two sessions of editing with my Communications lecturer who helped me construct and organized the important information once I identified it. Participation The target group for the research was initially 20 South African Muslim women between the ages of 18 and 40. This age group was the target of this study because they were the current generation of TSiBA students and were experiencing modern South Africa in a time when it seemed there was an ever increasing influx of Western culture after Apartheid. The age group is also likely to include married women who might be inclined to think differently about the hijab as their marriage might have changed the way each looks at the hijab. The participants of my research were all female as I had hoped, but unfortunately all of them belonged to one ethnic group being from the race regarded in South Africa as Coloured. There were 2 married women, and 8 unmarried women. 5 of them wore hijab and 5 of them were women who choose not to. Method of data collection One method of obtaining data was employed. The research draws on qualitative data from comprehensive surveys conducted on 10 Muslim students regarding hijab. The survey was constructed in a manner that it took students approximately 5 minutes to complete. After many different drafts of the survey I went to the Tertiary School in Business Administration (TSiBA) Education to distribute the final version. My survey included the opinions of both young women who wear the hijab and those that do not. I did not ask for names in any section of the survey to ensure the anonymity of all my human subjects. In the end I collected 10 surveys in total which was a smaller sample group than I had initially hoped. After gathering the surveys, I analyzed the results manually. LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction The debate regarding the wearing of religious garb in public, specifically coverings worn by Muslim women has increased over the past few years resulting in a lot of controversy among those who agree with the practice and those who do not ( Hijab is seen all over the world, especially in places with a high concentration of practicing Muslims. The hijab has resulted in severe media disputes and now denotes the difference of cultures. The French, along with the west expected that the hijab would pass away into history as westernization and secularization took root. However, in the Muslim world, especially among the younger generation, a great wave of returning to hijab was spreading through various countries. This current resurgence is an expression of Islamic revival (Nakata, 1994). The Topic of Hijab External to South Africa The views of feminists The Western media and feminists often portray the  hijab  as a symbol of oppression and slavery of women ( A theory of Orientalism has been in existence since 1978 which argues that the Muslim population is deemed backward, uncivilized beings who are outcasts in Western society (Said, 1978). Many feminists, both Western and Islamic argue that the hijab is a symbol of gender oppression and that the Islamic veiling of women is an oppressive practice. Fadel Amara, an Islamic feminist and Muslim female member of French government describes the burqa as a prison and a straightjacket which is not religious but is the symbol of a tyrannical political project for sexual inequality (King, 299.). Feminists argue that public presence and visibility is important to Western women. This overlaps sexism and racism as well as there are two arguments made by feminists who are divided on the topic of the hijab. a) The argument of oppression One argument is for hijab to be banned in public as they encourage the harassment of women who are unveiled and because public presence and visibility represents their struggle for economic independence, sexual agency and political participation. In the Western culture, celebrities are regarded as trend-setters defining what is acceptable. The hijab is therefore also seen as a problem because it poses challenge to the view of unconventional visibility and freedom of self-expression. ( Although it is true that many women do choose to wear the hijab, it is not the case for all women. In many Middle Eastern and North African countries women are forced, persecuted and abused for noncompliance with the hijab. This was demonstrated in Pakistan where an extremist killed a womens activist and government minister because she refused to wear the hijab. King states, From Afghanistan to Algeria to Sudan, Pakistan and Iran- women are systematically brutalized and caught in a deadl y crossfire between the secular and fundamentalist forces. Some Islamic feminists argue that although the statement in the Quran about women covering themselves was not meant to oppress women, the interpretation of those verses by Islamic societies does in fact oppress women. Although it can be argued that the hijab is a symbol of the oppression that occurs against women in Islam, many Islamic women dont agree. It is true that under some Islamist rule, specifically in some North African countries, Afghanistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia women are oppressed and forced to wear the hijab, but in an international context, this is the exception to the rule regarding womens practices of wearing the veil. Salma Yaqoob, a Muslim woman who chooses to wear the hijab explains the veil is not only an oppressing force in Islamic countries that require the veil, but also in Western countries that ban the veil. Yaqoob adamantly contends that by infringing laws that restricts womens choice on whether or not to wear the veil, they are also being oppressed. I am opposed to the Saudi and Iranian governments imposition of the veil and that of the Taliban previously. But this is also why I oppose the ban on wearing the hijab. In both cases the woman herself is no longer free to make a choice. In both cases her dignity is violated. Yaqoob explains that more women are currently banned from wearing the hijab, than are required to wear it. b) The argument of liberation It can be argued that rather than oppressing, the hijab is liberating. The second argument made by feminists supports the argument of fundamentalist Islamic leaders who argue that Muslim women have the right to choose to wear or not to wear a hijab as it is part of a Muslim womans duty to wear a hijab. These feminists demand that the French ban be withdrawn because they believe the oppressing force behind the veil is when authority figures, both Islamic and Western, take away a womans right to choose. They defend the veil as a mark of agency, cultural membership, and defiance. Tayyab Bashart, a feminist scholar and Muslim who teaches in France explains her beliefs A woman in hijab, who is a functioning member of society, symbolizes an empowered, independent woman, rather than someone who lacks self-determination and is a puppet of society (Basharat, 2006). The veil itself is just a piece of cloth. Human beings interpret the hijab according to social and religious constructions. Throu gh the Western discussion and banning of the hijab in public schools, the Muslim school girls of France lose their freedom to express their spirituality. The desired effect of the 2004 law is to fight gender oppression and inequality in the public school system, but as a residual effect, it actually diminishes womens freedoms rather than enhancing them. The law on the headscarf supports the oppressing Western discourses about veiled women and attempts to Westernize French Muslim schoolgirls. Western Governments In Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Iran, the full covering, more commonly known as the burqa, has been made compulsory upon female citizens. In contrast to this, the unwillingness to understand the religion and culture of Muslims has resulted in traditional clothing such as the burqa and the hijab being banned with the hope of Westernised societies achieving secularism in Islamic countries. Katherine Bullock shines light on the differences in judgment over hijab by having identified themes from her research on women and the religion of Islam. She divides these themes into the descriptions of those who are for and those who are against the hijab. According to Bullock, critics of the veil rely on secular liberal assumptions about society and human nature and therefore the veil is supposed to be and described as a symbol of oppression because it: Covers up (hides), in the sense of smothering, femininity Is apparently linked to the essentialized male and female difference (which is taken to mean that by nature, male is superior, female is inferior); Is linked to a particular view of womans place (subjugated in the home); Is linked to an oppressive (patriarchal) notion of morality and female purity (because of Islams Emphasis on chastity, marriage, and condemnation of pre- and extra-marital sexual relations); Can be imposed; and Is linked to a package of oppressions women in Islam face, such as seclusion, polygamy, easy male divorce, unequal inheritance rights. Western countries has developed this view and disregarded other views of what public visibility may be to different women with differing beliefs. ( example of this is that France has decided upon the banning of the hijab to be worn in schools. Frances 2004 law, popularly referred to as the law on the headscarf, reveals the difficulty of respecting conflicting ideas between diverse communities, especially when one community, in this case the Muslims of France, is a minority. According to this law, female students are banned from wearing the hijab as well as all other openly religious symbols in public schools. France bans women from wearing the hijab in public schools because many feminists and lawmakers argue that veiling women serves as an oppressing force, a force that silences women. Alia Al- Sari states in her article The Racialization of Muslim Veils: A Philosophical Analysis many feminists see the headscarf As a symbol of Islamic gender oppression that à ¢Ã¢â €š ¬Ã‚ ¦should be banned from public schools, a space where gender equality is presumed (or desired). Supporters of the law believe it fights gender oppression and gives equality to women in the school system. Media attitudes in reporting Islam and hijab While the media cannot be the only party held accountable or blamed for societal attitudes towards smaller cultures and religions, theses media moguls create the lens through which reality is perceived (Bullock Jafri, 2000). Western media sees itself as a democratic powerhouse and therefore is frequently answerable for legitimising and distributing racism and bias against religious communities such as Muslims (Bullock Jafri, 2000). The media in Westernised societies portrays Muslims as tricky, sleazy, sexual and untrustworthy, as uniformly violent, as oppressors of women, and as members of a global conspiracy (Bullock Jafri, 2000). For example, in 1998 a shift was noted regarding the European medias depiction of women who wear the hijab. Veiled women were no longer portrayed as exotic but instead as a threat to society (Macmaster Lewis, 1998,). This highlights the contrasting representations of Muslim women as concurrently being oppressed and threatening. In 2005 Begum argues that these images of Islamic dress were increasingly used in the media as visual shorthand for treacherous extremism, and that Muslims living in Europe were suffering from the consequences of these associations (Begum, 2005). The increase of these media portrayals and political deliberation has segregated the Muslim community and had a further disruptive effect on society and feminism at large. (Begum, 2005) Since then, the media in France reported on a women who was suspended for wearing a hijab under her hat while working as a meter reader, a fashion show of veiled women that was banned, the hindrance of hijab-wearing mothers from volunteering in schools, the refusal of cafeteria service to a student wearing a hijab and the banning of a witness to a civil service wedding from signing the documentation based on the argument that hijab prevented her from proper identification. Many authors on this topic dispute that because of the medias cultural fascination with Muslim womens dress as symbols of oppression, Muslim women often have to resort to focusing on that facet of their identity as well, even if they would rather discuss something else. These authors state that even cases of responsible journalism have a propensity to devalue Muslim women. This is because Muslim women are primarily depicted as exotic, victimised, or threatening outcasts rather than your ordinary peaceful next door neighbours. ( It is evident that the hijab remains a hot topic in Western countries and that the wellbeing and identities of Muslim women in Westernised societies are related to the wearing of the headscarf as a consequence. Hijab within the Muslim Community The opinions of Muslim women vary in their decision about whether or not to wear the hijab. The hijab, according to many Muslims, has multiple uses and meanings. The hijab is a symbolic of modesty and morality. According to Islam, the hijab functions as a shield for a woman against the lustful gaze of men. The hijab also serves as a cover to preserve the modesty and piety of the woman, as that is her main role as stated in the Quran. The most basic debate over the hijab is over the requirement of the hijab. This is an issue that is debated by many Muslim scholars. First in order to understand why there is an issue it is important to understand the power of the Quran. The Quran is the word of God brought to humanity by his last messenger the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Islam is the religion of total submission to Allah (God the Father) and obedience to Allah. As the Quran is Gods word then it also means total submission and obedience to Quran. The first issue with the requirement of the hijab comes from whether the hijab is in the Quran or not. There are two sides to this argument; there are those who say that the hijab is a requirement because it is in the Quran and those who say that it is not because it is not part of the Quran Reasons why Muslim Women wear the hijab The laws of the Quran Amr Khaleds, a popular Islamic scholar, layman, and highly influential Muslim speaker, represents the school of thought that considers the hijab to be directly in the Quran and thus a requirement for Muslim women. He quotes these Quranic verses that make the hijab obligatory to Muslim women. O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And ALLAH is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (Surah 33: verse 59). In this verse women are told to cover their bodies so that they should be known as modest women and are not harassed. According to Amr Khalads lecture Al-Hijab, the hijab also serves the purpose of forcing men to not sexually objectify women but to see her as a vessel of intelligence and high moral values. Khalad says that the hijab reinforces the fact that Islam has placed the beauty of a female on a higher value in the eyes of men by providing protection of her beauty from uncontrolled lusts and desires, and instead ordering men to respect greater the inner beauty of her soul. Thus, the real value of women is associated with the degree of her modesty and her abidance by it (Khaled Al-Hijab). Yaqoob states her personal reasons why she wears the veil, For me, the wearing of the hijab denotes that as a woman I expect to be treated as an equal in terms of my intellect and personality and my appearance is relevant only to the degree that I want it to be, when I want it to be.. This is the traditional Islamic rational for the hijab and why it is important in Islam (Khalad AlHijab). A symbol of resistance A study about hijab in the West also provides another theory that I believe can also be applied in South Africa because it is a country heavily influenced by the West. The idea of the hijab as a symbol of resistance is explored by Tarik Kulenovic but not necessarily one that is strictly political. Tarik Kulenovics theory suggests that the hijab in the West is a matter of identity, a physical symbol of a womans Muslim identity. This symbol also carries a message of religiosity in a modernizing society which encourages a secular life style and scorns tradition. Kulenovic asserts that the modern identity of Muslim women, which includes the wearing of the veil, is primarily the identity of resistance to the values that individuals find foreign to them and as such imposed on them (Kulenovic, page 717). Thus, in modern society, the hijab can be thought of as a means of retaining a religious life style while assimilating to the demands of the modern world. Another reason women choose to wea r the hijab is that they find that the hijab serves as an empowering factor. The Interpretation of the hijab by those who wear it Katherine Bullock, through her research, provides some reasons why women wear the hijab. The hijab to these wearers: 1. Does not smother femininity; 2. Brings to mind the different-but-equal school of thought, but does not put forward essentalized male-female difference; 3. Is linked to a view that does not limit women to the home, but neither does it consider the role of stay-at-home-mother and homemaker oppressive; 4. Is linked to a view of morality that is oppressive only if one considers the prohibition of sexual relations outside marriage wrong; 5. Is part of Islamic law, though a law that ought to be implemented in a very wise and women-friendly manner, and 6. Can and should be treated separately from other issues of womens rights in Islam. Spirituality Some women have a deep spiritual and religious connection to the veil and firmly disagree with the view of it as a sign of oppression. Many Muslim women feel uncomfortable without wearing it because the hijab is deeply-rooted in their personal values and religious tradition. A main reason women choose to wear the hijab, is as expression of spirituality. Bashart states in his book that Muslim women carry with them their sacred private space into the public space by use of the Hijab. In this view of the hijab, the veil is not simply an article of clothing; or a symbol of oppression it is a tool of spirituality for women. Fadwa El Guindi, author of The Veil: Modesty, Privacy and Resistance, says veiling patterns and veiling behaviour are. about sacred privacy, sanctity and the rhythmic interweaving of patterns of worldly and sacred life, linking women as the guardians of family sanctuaries and the realm of the sacred in this world. Reasons why Muslim Women do not wear the hijab In the Quranic this verse although it says to draw the cloak all over their bodies, it does not specifically say the hair. In addition, it does not specify in what way, to what extent, and in what manner women should cover themselves. There are many modern alternative views to this idea that the hijab is compulsory because it is in the Quran. For example, Dr.Reza Alsan, an internationally acclaimed writer and scholar of religions, the founder of and also one of the leading scholars in the alternative view, considers the hijab not an obligatory aspect of being a Muslim woman. Aslan claims that the hijab is shockingly not compulsory upon Muslim women anywhere in the Quran. Instead he claims that the veil was an Arab culture before the arrival of Islam, through contact with Syria and Iran, where the veil was the sign of the upper class women. According to Lelia Ahmed and those who fall in the second school of thought like Aslan, the only places that the hijab is applied t o women is when it is addressing the wives of Prophet Muhammad. Thus the veil was only associated with the prophets wives and his daughters not all women of Islam. This school of thought does not deny that modesty was expected of all believers. Believing women are instructed to guard their private parts and drape a cover over their breasts when in the presence of strange men (Surah 24:31-32) as quoted by Aslan. Here specific parts of the body are named that women should guard and cover including the private parts and the breast but the hair is not mentioned. Thus those in this school of thought like Leila Ahmed and Reza Alsan do not believe that the hijab is mandatory for Muslim women because it is not mentioned in the Quran. Conclusion of Literature review This research investigates the reasons why the Muslim community is divided on the subject of the veil and if the dominant negative perception of hijab (as the hijab being oppressive) has affected, if at all, the wearing of hijab in TSiBA Education. In the attempt to answer this question, the research has presented two hypotheses: (1) Living in South Africa, a country with great Western influence, causes some Muslim women to fear wearing the hijab and to abandon it all together (2) Muslim women choose to wear the hijab for spirituality reasons despite constant the pressures of the West 5. RESULTS OF OBSERVATIONS While analyzing the results, I was interested to see if there would be a correlation between the findings in my literature review and the results of my research. My data collection was a result of 10 surveys this research revealed that my two hypotheses were in agreement with a majority of this small sample of subjects. The data collected represents the opinions and beliefs of a total of 10 human participants which is 50% of the total intended target group. Thus, the data collected must only be interpreted as speculative and cannot be assumed applicable to all Muslim women or all Muslim female students. The results were as follows: 5 of the 10 participants wore the hijab. 3 of those 5 said that they strongly agree to wearing the hijab for religious reasons while 2 participants said they agree that they wear it for religious reasons but that religion is not the main reason why they wear the hijab. 3 out of the 5 Muslim wear the hijab even though the hijab makes them feel like they dont fit in with their peers. 1 person however does feel that she fits in with her peers and in her community because she wears the hijab. The hijab makes all five participants who wear the hijab feel protected and safe in public. 3 of them strongly agreed while 2 agreed. 5 participants said that all Muslim women should wear hijab when asked if they believe all Muslim women should wear the hijab, the opinions were 50/50. Interestingly, Out of the 5 participants that wear the hijab, 1 person said that she does not believe all Muslim women should wear hijab; 1 woman who does not wear the hijab said that even though she doesnt wear the hijab yet, she believes all Muslim women should wear the hijab. When asked if women who do not wear the hijab can be good Muslims: 8 women agreed that Muslim women can be good Muslims if they do not wear the hijab, 1 participant had no opinion saying one shouldnt judge, if you judge, what kind of Muslim does that make you?, 1 said Muslim women cannot be good if they do not practice the hijab. When asked for their definition of hijab, 60% defined it as covering with loose fitting clothes, 20% said all forms acceptable and 20% just covering your hair. The rating (1= no influence, 5= influenced but not explicitly forced,10 = I had no choice) of influence of family on participants choice to wear or not to wear hijab: From the 5 participants who wear hijab, 1 rated a 5, 1 rated a 6, 1 rated an 8 elaborating that her parents are religiously strict, 1 rated a 2, and 1 rated a 7 saying that the sudden death of her aunt influenced her choices in life and her consideration of the hijab. From the 5 participants who do not wear the hijab, 2 participants rated 5; 2 rated the influence of their family as a 1 and 1 participant rated 9 saying that her family allows her choice not to wear the hijab. The limitations section showed that all participants felt free to drive a car, study at a university, find a job, travel freely outside of Cape Town, own a computer and have access to the internet. 5 participants felt that they were not hired for a job because they wear the hijab while 1 participant said that she is new to wearing the hijab so the question is not applicable to her No participants felt that they were not hired because of NOT wearing the hijab TSIBA Womens view on the issue/view of hijab in the West 9 participants agree that the West (Europe and America) has a dominantly negative view on hijab. 1 participant had no opinion When asked their opinion of the Western perception and the West should continue not to encourage women to wear the hijab. 4 participants strongly disagree, 3 disagree, 3 had no opinion and 1 participant said she strongly agrees. When asked if they thought the West is ill-informed and should make more of an effort to understand the hijab and why Muslim women wear it: 6 participants said they strongly agree , 3 agreed and 1 participants said she had no opinion. 6 participants have friends from the West while the remaining 4 do not. DISCUSSION This research investigates the debate regarding the reasons why some Muslim women wear hypotheses were confirmed in a majority of this small sample group. In the attempt to answer these questions, the research has presented two hypotheses suggesting that: (1) Living in South Africa, a country with great Western influence, causes some Muslim women to fear wearing the hijab and to abandon it all together. (2)The main reason Muslim women choose to wear the hijab is for spirituality reasons despite the constant the pressures of the dominant Western perception. Defining the hijab The point of view unknown to me before starting my research was that there are Muslim women who did not know that there were differing interpretations about what the hijab is tangibly. In fact, from the surveys it is evident that amongst Muslims there is a concept of a correct hijab and an incorrect hijab. Before my research commenced, the purpose of the research was not intended to identify whether my target population was aware that many Muslims have differing beliefs the hijab. My research revealed that within the Muslim community there exist different interpretations of what the hijab is tangibly. 60% of participants claimed that the correct physical hijab is a head scarf and long loose fitting clothing that conceals the shape

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Broadcast Journalists and The Inverted Pyramid Style of Presenting the

In 1965, American broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow stated, â€Å"We cannot make good news out of bad practice.† Although this quotation was originally in response to critics who wanted him to ignore racial problems to promote a better public image abroad, it can also be applied to the importance of presenting a quality newscast. In America, news media is considered the forth branch of the United States government. This concept stems from a belief that it is the news media's responsibility to deliver clear and accurate information to the populace in a compelling manner. Considering the effect the news has on society, as journalism scholars we need to ask why clarity and attention are important in a newscast and what can be done to ensure clarity and attention is used in a news video or news broadcast? Using the 2010 textbook Broadcast News Handbook and personal experiences from Digital News class, we will analyze the following questions. To do so, we will examine the importance of clarity and attention in a newscast, and then finally take a look at three aspects to ensure clarity and attention is in a news video or news broadcast. First, there is the importance of clarity and attention in a newscast. The history of delivering news has evolved throughout the years. From exchange information via radio to have a having a television channel’s primary objective be producing news, the news media have grown in the methods notifying the public. However, a couple of things that hasn’t change are the media’s goal of delivering clear and engaging products. As Assistant Professor Dave Cupp of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill explained in a 2010 article, â€Å"Today the world remains as confusing as ever, and new technolog... ... a report remember to record scenes that involve some sort of action, the viewer will be persuade to pay attention because the are interested in what the people are doing. CONCLUSION By understanding why clarity and attention are important in a newscast and observing three ways to ensure these functions are used in a news video or news broadcast, we can see the responsibility the forth branch has to society. Edward R. Murrow attempted to accomplish these traits in all of his broadcasts. Canadian educator Marshall McLuhan’s contention is that â€Å"the medium is the message.† However, the authors of the textbook believe that the message is the message and the medium is simply a means to get that message to an audience. Regardless which statement you agree with, the main point is that the message is important and we, as reporters, have an obligation to present it.

Essay --

Introduction Cloud computing is the transmission of computing as a competence rather than an industrial good, whereby common means, software, and signs are delivered to computers and other apparatuses as a service over a system (Mell & Grance, 2011). Cloud computing acclaims, characteristically unified, facilities with the transported data, software, and control through a connection. Software as a service (SaaS) is frequently touched with cloud computing. End users have an access to cloud depended claims through a network browser or a light weight desktop or mobile app while the occupational software and facts are deposited on servers at a distant place. Cloud applications attempt to stretch the same or healthier service and presentation than if the software packages were connected nearby on the end-user processors. At the basis of cloud computing is the bigger idea of organization meeting (or Converged Substructure) and communal facilities. This sort of data focused environment permits enterprises to develop their requests up and running earlier, with calmer manageability and fewer upkeep, and allows IT to additional quickly adjust IT resources to encounter changing and unpredictable occupational demand. Cloud Clients Operators access cloud computing consuming interacted client strategies, such as desktop processors, laptops, tablets and mobile. Among these tools, cloud clients depend cloud computing for completely or a mainstream of their requests so as to be fundamentally lack of it. Instances are thin customers and the chrome nooks based on browsers. Numerous cloud submissions do not need precise software on the client and in its place use a net browser to interrelate through the cloud application. With AJAX and HTML5, these... ...asonable. It is also true for traditional/conventional data centers. Therefore countries with promising circumstances like Sweden, Europe and Switzerland are demanding to enthrall cloud computing statistics centers. Energy competence in cloud computing can consequence from energy conscious preparation and server alliance. Though, in the circumstance of dispersed clouds above data centers with dissimilar basis of energies counting renewable basis of energies, a small negotiation on energy ingesting reduction could outcome in high carbon footprint drop. This technology is expected to grow by leaps and bounds in the coming years, and may very well be one of the innovative technologies that spring our civilization into a new era. The speed in which information is being transferred and stored is growing constantly and there is no sign of that slowing down anytime soon.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Clockwork Orange And The Age Of Mechanical Reproduction Essay -- essay

Clockwork Orange and the Age of Mechanical Reproduction For Walter Benjamin, the defining characteristic of modernity was mass assembly and production of commodities, concomitant with this transformation of production is the destruction of tradition and the mode of experience which depends upon that tradition. While the destruction of tradition means the destruction of authenticity, of the originally, in that it also collapses the distance between art and the masses it makes possible the liberation which capitalism both obscures and opposes. While commodity fetishism represents the alienation away from use-value and towards exchange-value, leading to the assembly line construction of the same--as we see relentlessly analyzed by Horkheimer and Adorno in their essay The Culture Industry. Benjamin believes that with the destruction of tradition, laboratory potentialities are nonetheless created. The process of the destruction of aura through mass reproduction brings about the "destruction of traditional modes of experience through shock," in response new forms of experience are created which attempt to cope with that shock. "Even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is lacking one element: its presence in time and space, it’s unique existence at the place where it happens to be. This unique existence of the work of art determined the history to which it was subject throughout the time of its existence. The authenticity of a thing is the essence of all that is transmissible from its beginning" when substantive duration ceases to matter, he says, the authority of the object is threatened. (Think, for example of Alex's response to high art...) "technology has subjected the human sensorium to a complex kind of training. There came a day when a new and urgent need for stimuli was met by the film. In a film, perception in the form of shocks was established as a formal principle. That which determines the rhythm of production on a conveyor belt is the basis of the rhythm of reception in a film." (Motifs in Baudelaire) Benjamin distinguishes between two kinds of experience: Erfahrung something integrated as experience, and Erlebnis, something merely lived through. Erlebnis characterizes the modern age and refers to the inability to integrate oneself and the world via experience. Erlebnis, then, ... ...lus (a "very important piece of art," ritualized and de-politicized) is made into a weapon, and the scene of her death is a nearly subliminal orgy of modern-art. Whereas she, as with the use of all high-art among the Bourgeoisie, finds only exchange value in the phallus, phallus as pure sign, Alex initiates the violent reversal of that commodification. He turns it into a tool, here a tool of violence; what she has done is to inject exhibition value into forms of art which have only exchange value, the work of art in the hands of the Bourgeoisie is reinjected with a type of aura, which only lead it further in the direction of losing control (like the reinjection of aura in the robot --Maria's aura--in Metropolis). Control is lost and the phallus becomes a weapon, a violent recontextualization by Alex. He proves to understand well this process. There are also similarities here with the State's control of his mind through conditioning. The state attempts to gain control by turning Alex into a robot (a clockwork orange), thus commodifying him (isn't this the struggle at the end for control of Alex--the liberals and state?). His use-value is a fun ction of his exchange-value.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Light and Dark Imagery in Macbeth

Light and Dark imagery in Macbeth A tragedy play, written by William Shakespeare, is Macbeth. This play is filled with imageries of light and darkness. In the play Macbeth, Macbeth himself goes through a transformation in character. At the beginning of the play, he is noble and loyal, but in an effort to be crowned king, he is drowned by greed and darkness. His reign of terror, driven by insanity and ambition affects the natural order of the world and results in his death and the restoration of the natural order. The change in Macbeth’s character from a noble man to a dark figure is mirrored by the imagery of light and dark. During the first three scenes of the first act, Macbeth is absent and is only described by other characters. As a soldier informs Duncan of Macbeth and Banquo’s performance on the battlefield, he says, â€Å"If I say sooth, I must report they were as cannons overcharged with double cracks† (I. ii, 40-41). This quote highlights Macbeth’s actions as a light character. Macbeth is portrayed to be a great man and soldier in fighting for his king. After being told of Macbeth’s role in the fighting near Forres, Duncan utters these praises, â€Å"O valiant cousin! Worthy gentleman! † (I. ii, 26). This is said in recognition of the outstanding fighting that Macbeth is doing for his king and country. Good is synonymous with images of light, therefore the good deeds of Macbeth are associated with light imagery. When Macbeth finally has a chance to respond to Duncan’s praises, he says, â€Å"The service and loyalty I owe, in doing it, pays itself. † (I. iv, 25-26). Macbeth explains to the king that he does not require anymore payment than he already receives, as even just the satisfaction of fighting for Duncan and his state is enough. Macbeth believes himself to be a truly loyal and noble man. At this point, Macbeth’s character is tied only to images of triumph, but this begins to change when Macbeth realizes great opportunity. Realizing ambition and opportunity as well as outside influence from Lady Macbeth causes the light inside Macbeth to fade, thus beginning his transition into darkness. When Macbeth says this: â€Å"This supernatural soliciting cannot be ill; cannot be good†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (I. iii, 140-141), he begins to give the witches prophecies more thought. The witches are described as the instruments of darkness, and by contemplating their prophecies, he dims the ight that he was surrounded by, and becomes a slightly darker character. During an aside, Macbeth says, â€Å"Stars hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (I. iv, 57-58). The quote represents Macbeth’s acknowledgement of his own dark thoughts and desires. This is his first thought of acting on ambition through dishonest means, and marks an evident chang e in Macbeth as a light character. This only furthers his transformation into a dark figure. Finally, Macbeth is portrayed as dark and evil when he says this, â€Å"Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. † (II. I, 40-41). Macbeth says this during the night in which he would commit his first murder and cross the point of no return. Accepting the dagger symbolizes Macbeth finalizing his decision to murder the man that had shown him nothing but kindness. Perhaps Macbeth was never as genuine as he had seemed to be and was always a dark figure. What is known for sure though is that once Macbeth starts his reign as a tyrant, he is unable to stop. After committing a series of killings, Macbeth has unarguably become a dark figure. Although it is in Macbeths own speech that he affirms himself as an evil man. When Macbeth speaks to Lady Macbeth, he states, â€Å"I am in blood stepped so far, that I should wade no more. † (III. Iv, 167-168). He reflects upon his wrong doings by creating a dark image. The image pictures Macbeth wading in a river of blood, having proceeded so far that it is easier to continue than to try to return back to where he started. When Macbeth is informed of his wife’s death by suicide, his only response is, â€Å"And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! † (V. v, 24-25). The light and dark imagery is quite significant here, as this particular phrase is his way of saying her life was short, like that of a burning candle. Though, he exhibits a great lack of remorse for his wife, and goes on to explain that all the past has done is lead foolish people to their graves. During Macbeth and Macduff’s final exchange of words before their battle, Macduff tells Macbeth, â€Å"I have no words: My voice is in my sword, thou bloodier villain than terms can give thee out! (V. viii, 8-10). This quote is an example of how Macbeth is viewed by his enemies. He is viewed as a bloody villain. This view of him contrasts to previous views of him in that he is no longer a light character and he will die a true figure of darkness. Macbeth is now seen by others as, and admits his self to be, an evil man. The play Macbeth is a story of the rise and fall of a tragic hero. It is clear that the character Macbeth goes through an evident change in character. Whether it due to the outside influence of the three witches, his wife or his own ambitions, he is the one who makes his decisions. After capitalising on opportunity by murdering Duncan, he ends up having to kill several people in order to eliminate suspicions. He is unable to halt his reign of terror, which would later result in his own death. The imageries of light and dark play a significant role in representing Macbeth’s transformation from a strong and respected military leader to a murderous tyrant. Works Cited: Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. Ed. Roy, Ken. Toronto: