Wednesday, September 11, 2019

BHS 328 - Team Building (Mod 3 CBA) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BHS 328 - Team Building (Mod 3 CBA) - Essay Example nt helps to nurture a culture where every individual is given an equal opportunity regardless of his/her designation, age, gender and race to participate in an organization’s decision making process. In recent years, there has been a growing number of organizations that focus on delegating power to employees to make decisions since it warrants an environment where everyone can give their opinion and this not only enhances the creativity of an individual, it also increases the sense of ownership. In Books4Us, there is a concept of authoritative management which requires that every employee needs to ask his/her manager for making decisions which hampers him/her from taking any risk and thinking out-of-the box. Due to stiff competition, the organization needs innovation ideas to capture the market share but due to low level of empowerment, employees rely on their managers to give them instructions for each task regardless of its complexity and novelty. An Open Book Management culture will encourage employees to study the external environment and leverage the strengths of the organization to avail the opportunities at hand. Moreover, delegating authority to employees helps in building trust between the employee and his superior since the employee senses that he is trusted with the job therefore he strives to his best capability and this results in a higher-level of motivation. Lack of empowerment has resulted in lack of shared vision, mission and goals due to which every employee is pursuing personal goals and focusing on individual achievement rather than the success of Books4us. Increase in the level of authority held by each employee will result in the organization working as a team seeking identical objectives rather than acting as discrete groups. â€Å"What better way to tap into workers brains as well as their brawn than to encourage them to think on the job, to bring to it a greater sense of professionalism and self-motivation and to feel committed to the

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